Sunday, July 06, 2008

J's Apartment

Apparently, the paint work going on in our house is irritating some unusual residents. The paint smell is probably forcing them out of their nests looking for fresh air.

Thus, meet my new roommates:

They're stylish, witty, and show up on a new-one-per-day basis.

On that note, I'm getting flashbacks of one of my most hilarious childhood movies.

Joe's Apartment

And the infamous "Funky Towel" song


Delicately Realistic said...

After watching Charlotte's Web the other day i will refrain from say things like:

Eeeeeeek! o Waaaaaai3!

Heheh ;)
Long time no read!

eshda3wa said...

eeew !

AyyA said...

You know
The best thing about my apartment is that I stopped seeing those creatures. I have a phobia of a special kind to them; I keep scratching myself when I see one, even in a picture. And you started that now, and I regret visiting your blog this morning

Alia said...

يا حلاتهم

زملائنا في المكتب

Jandeef said...


Hehe laish? I haven't watched that!

Yes long time =) Good to see you here again :)


Yes. And they're still showing up, but getting smaller in size.


My place was always free of them, but apparently they existed but were hiding. The paint smell irritated them.


لو انا بمكانج، عيوني تكون دايم تحت المكتب اخاف يدبي علي شي

Alia said...

لقد حبا ودبا وركب القلليلبا