Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The City Where The Heat Is On

Pictures from my short cruise trip in Miami (Celebrity citing at the end):

The bridge connecting Miami with South Beach.


I want to have such activities at my disposal!

Dolphin fin.

Some Celebrity house with an OUTDOOR living room!

Line up of fun.

Where my honeymoon will be inshalla. The big one that is.

Al Capone's former house

We passed by his house, and to our surprise, he was hanging out with his children.

Ladies and Gentleman .. Shaquille O'neal!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

"يما بس خمس دقايق"

يقولون الإنسان يقضي ثلث عمره في النوم ، أي معدل النوم الطبيعي للإنسان هو ثمان ساعات في اليوم ، بس ما أعتقد كثير منا ينعمون بثمان ساعات نوم منذ دخولهم الجامعة على الأقل.

مادري ليش قلت هالمقدمة

على العموم .. اليوم قعدت مو شبعان نوم ، وكنت مضطر أن أقوم .. فتذكرت أيام ما قبل الجامعة لما الوالدة تقعدني من النوم وأقول لها: "انشاءالله يما .. بس خمس دقايق" ، وأرد أنام الخمس دقايق...

اللــــــــه!! ... عندي هالخمس دقايق تسوى الليل كله! صج صج صج لها لذة لا توصف.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Now That's Somethin'!

Haa Haaa Haaaa!! :D

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Jandeef's Shorelines III

I'm going to Kuwait soon for x-mas break. The last time I spent winter in Kuwait was 4 years ago, so I'm excited.

Who's taking me out?

ّI slept in today and missed Real vs. Barca, but I just made it up with USC vs. Fresno St. Damn! Arguably, the best college football game I've seen in a long time.

Reggie Bush for Heisman! 300 yards in a single game! What the hell!

On a related note, while watching ESPN's SC, they introduced "one of the nation's oldest football rivalries was played today between..." - and I was anticipating anxiously - "... Harvard and Yale." No offense, but doesn't it sound like a sentense fragment? Anyway, Harvard won.

While I'm sure USC tonight is partying till the morning, I had an image in mind of a Harvard player saying "Oh wonderful we won. I'm in a good mood for doing homework tonight."

Last night, I dreamed that I'm attending Al-Laila AlMu7amadiya and mitt bachi on Alruwaishid's performance. Does that mean somebody's invading us anytime soon?

This weekend's obsession: Just The Two of Us (L).

I refuse to spend $6 on a movie by someone I refuse to accept as a rapper.

So fake!


Finally, check out my latest post on Sa7at Alsafat for a few smiles and laughs :)

Thursday, November 17, 2005


There is a reason why our football team is not doing well.

Recentlly, our backup running back was arrested for DUI. He failed a sobreity test after getting pulled over by the police. So far, the story sounds normal until police looked in the back of his car and found a 200-lb sheep!

After some investigation, the sheep turned out to be stolen from our university's animal research center. He claims it was some kind of a prank. Anyway, after more investigation, the sheep turned out to be the subject of a study about homoxuality in animals. Lol!

So there you go. Our RB stole a homosexual sheep! He was suspended by the team; the player, that is. I'm not sure whether that was a result of the DUI or stealing the poor sheep :P

A couple of my friends are with him in a class. They say, since the incident, everytime he steps into the classroom, all the students would go "hmmmmBbaaAaAaa33." Hehe :P

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Croissaunt .. Supposedly :P

Okey, I'm not the greatest hand craftsman, but still edible :D

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Passionate At Work

Two of the people that fascinate me the most are Steve Irwin and Jack Hanna. I don't see that many people around who are as passionate and enthused about their jobs as these two guys. Their personalities differ greatly from each other. Jack is a quiet, soft-spoken, laid-back oldie, while Steve is an in-your-face freak that you feel his words are racing his lips when he talks. In other words, Jack is a frequent on David Letterman, while Steve is a frequent on Conan. However, both share a great knowledge of wildlife and, more importantly, a passion to what they do.

How amazing is it to have this much fun on a daily basis, and call it a job? I'm sure we all have some degree of passion, if at all, to what we do, yet I think it's very hard to top these two guys. Such jobs would be ridiculed in our retarded, third-world societies. It's sad that people don't get the point of being passionate and doing what you'd love to do.

Side Joke: Jack was on Letterman last week and he showed him some weird monkey. He explained to Dave "this one lives upside down. It feeds upside down. It breeds upside down...," and Dave interrupted "sounds like my first wife" ... LOL! It's been a while since Dave made me laugh, but that one cracked me up for the next 30 minutes hehe.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


من إحدى ظواهر مجتمعنا التي أكرهها هي عندما يتمتع شخص ويتفاخر بإلحاق الأذى بالآخرين ، أياً كان نوع الأذى ، وتجده يحرص بأن يظهر أمام الناس بشكل "الموذي."

في الصيف الماضي كنت في ديوانية ، ومن عرض السوالف قص أحد الشباب قصته في ستاربكس عندما ركز على بنت وأرسل لها بلوتوث صور "خلاعية" واحدة تلو الأخرى ، وكيف كانت البنت تغضب وتتأفف كل مرة ، وكان يذكر السالفة بكل طاقته والكشرة شكبرها على وجهه ، ظللت أستمع لقصته متوقعاً أن تنتهي بشيء يسوى ، "أدز لها ، وهي تعصب وتنفس ، وأدز لها وهي تعصب ..." وانتهت السالفة ، انزين ، وبعدين؟

هناك من يسبب الأذى للآخرين لغرض ، وأستطيع على الأقل أن أتفهم ذلك كون الشخص لديه هدف يسعى إليه ، ولكن عندما تؤذي أحداً فقط لتؤذيه ، ليش؟

من الملاحظ ، على الأقل بالنسبة لي ، أن هذه النوعية من الناس هي في الغالب نفسها التي تتفاخر دائماً بتحدي القانون وكسره ، وتجدهم يؤمنون بأن اتباع القانون والقواعد ينتقص من كبريائهم ، فلا توجد لديهم مسؤولية تجاه وطن أو مجتمع ، فما بالك تجاه الآخرين ، أو حتى تجاه الحيوانات ، كمن يشب النار في كلب ضال فقط لذلك ، أو من يتعمد الدوس على قط في السيارة ، أشخاص عديمو المسؤولية تجاه كل شيء.

إلحاق الأذى لهدف يأتي بعد تفكير وتخطيط وتنفيذ ، ولكن إلحاق الأذى من قبل هذه النوعية من الناس ودون هدف يأتي بعفوية تامة ، مما قد يعني أنها عادة مكتسبة منذ زمن ، أتذكر أخو صديقي عمره 10 سنوات يتفاخر بعدم ربطه حزام الأمان في الطائرة ، ويقول "حتى لما قالت لي المضيفة اربطه ، ربطته ولما وخرت فتحته" ، وهو بطريقة التفكير تلك يتبع أخوانه الكبار ، أي عادة مكتسبة من المحيط الذي يعيش فيه ، فتجد عندهم تحدي القانون والقواعد أهم من التفكير بلماذا فرض علي ربط حزام الأمان؟ بمعنى أنه يا ريته قال لم أربطه لأن احتمالات حوادث الطائرات قليلة ، بل يقول لم أربطه تحدياً للقواعد.

سبب كتابتي لهذا الموضوع هو ملاحظتي لاقتحام هذه النوعية من الناس لعالم المدونات ، فقد لاحظت بعض التعليقات مؤخراً هنا وهناك التي لم أفهم منها سوى ترك انطباع سيء لدى قارئها عن كاتبها ، وكنت متوقعاً ذلك لأن المدونات ، كما المنتديات ، ستصبح انعكاساً لمجتمعنا شئنا أم أبينا ، فالله يعيننا وياكم عليهم.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Charles & Cuban Feuding Bloggie Style

When asked whether he knew what "blog" means, Charles Barkley answered:
"No, but I know it's got something to do with the internet. You know, I don't use internet. Anybody who can sit around and thumb a keyboard all day just has no life."
Lol! Well, there it goes, fella's. Ya'll are lifeless; straight out of Sir Charles' mouth :P

That came after Dallas Mavericks' owner, Mark Cuban, attacked him and Kenny Smith on his blog for criticizing the Mavericks for being "a bunch of cupcakes" on defense even after they beat Phoenix on NBA's opening night. Mark said:
"The only downer of the night was listening to the idiots on TNT after the game... They haven't gotten any better... There is a reason why Kenny and Charles haven't gotten head coaching jobs... Charles has earned the right to be the comedian who has some insights... Kenny wants to coach, but won't do the work, so never will be more than a sidekick"
Then Charles and Kenny responded, and Cuban fired back again.

I'm not a fan of Dallas' up-tempo-soft-defense style. At the same time, I admire Cuban's untypical persona of an NBA owner. I admire his enthusiasm for the game and his no spin talks, but he just gets so blinded when it comes to his cupcake Mavericks. C'mon Mark! You even traded Michael Finley, the only player to bring toughness to the team.

Agree with them or not, I thought Charles and Kenny's responce was mature and reasonable. Mark's taking it way too personal. He even lashed out at poor Reggie Miller. I'm sure his remarks will fire up the cow bells in his arena, but look forward to the boos his team will get on the road.

Anyway, his blog is interesting. I'm amazed how such people manage to find the time to blog.

Friday, November 04, 2005

How Much Is Your Blog Worth?

Thanks to my newest visitor, Tololy, I found this interesting link on her blog. Dane Carlson, a blogger/entrepreneur, used Technorati, which is a blog search engine, to develope a tool that calculates how much your blog is worth; not based on traffic, but on the conversation and other sites linking to your blog.

Here is Washed Ashore's net worth:

And here is Sa7at Alsafat's:

Not bad at all. Of course, these are not solid, absolute numbers that you'd make if you listed your blog today on eBay. As of now, it's just a means to compare against other blogs. So check yours out ;)